Major Gap In Photo Editing Industry And The Solution

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Business Aug 14, 2021

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The photo editing industry is vast, runs online, and impacts various industries like photography, e-commerce, graphic design, and digital media. The coronavirus epidemic boosts the editing sector as ecommerce boomed and the demand for high-quality images increased significantly. According to UNCTAD, global ecommerce jumps to 26.7 trillion since COVID-19 began.

Though ecommerce is expanded enormously and image editing is playing a vital role, there are some significant gaps in the image editing industry like other sectors. Some retouching service providers are offering professional solutions and fulfilling the industry demand. Still, there's more needed to meet the editing industry demand.

This content will showcase the editing industry's specific problems and how you can be on the safe side and get professional retouching services.

So let's dive in

Discussion Points

Here's a list of significant photo editing industry gaps:

  • ✔ Quality image output
  • ✔ Effective communication
  • ✔ Easy order process
  • ✔ Bulk image processing at an affordable price
  • ✔ Reliability and security

Quality Image Output

Have you ever visited an e-commerce site to buy a product?

If you see that the product images are blurry, you won't be attracted to browse the site in-depth and not consider buying from the store. So ecommerce owners must upload natural and sharp-detailed product images to capture the attention of the audience. Here the importance of image quality output comes.

But, many editing companies are not providing the high-quality images that the industry needed. Moreover, in some cases, small or startup companies take other photos without permission and create a fake portfolio copying images from related companies. Therefore, choosing the service provider who produces a quality image is a very challenging task.

This issue can be fixed by checking customer ratings and reviews of these companies to help you decide about buying the service from the right company. It can help you measure and filter the good from the bad and whose image output quality you would rather trust.

Effective Communication

The communication gap is the most common one. A communication gap occurs when a client attempts to contact the service provider but cannot do so.

Communication can come through in marketing, live chats, and customer engagement in general. Often, customers cannot seem to find anybody on the other side of live chats, and when they do appear, they do not engage with customers well. Moreover, improper marketing (fake marketing materials, inaccurate information, shady tactics) can negatively impact the customer experience.

effective communication

Both communication and user interface play significant roles in customer experiences and makes customers return. For example, Color Clipping, a professional image editing service provider, has several ways to communicate with the customers like live support chat, get a quote, project proposal, and direct call facilities. Also, the user interface is simple and easy to navigate, even for people who have a hard time with technology. Moreover, the company allows live virtual tour of production office and direct conversation with production manager for effective communication.

Easy Order Process

A gap is created when customers visit an online portal and cannot find the information or directions they need since not every client is tech-savvy.

Photo editing portal

There are some significant gaps in the industry regarding order placement. Even if a company provides good customer service, it will lose customers if it isn't user-friendly and follows complex order processing.

If you are perplexed with the complex order process and how to upload/download images, you can check whether the website has a simple, easy-to-use, user-friendly portal that reduces the hassle of complex work.

Bulk image processing at an affordable price

Big order equals a high price, but the price should be budget-friendly. For example, bulk image processing is sometimes charged at very high prices by some companies. It would be best to ask them why these companies are charging a premium price or their specialties.

Pixelz, a well-known company in the industry, demands a higher price than other companies because they provide a unique AI retouch feature that minimizes the workflows. They retouch the images with both humans and AI. On the other hand, some companies charge an affordable price with quality output.

Besides budget, another thing to consider is the ability of the company. Some companies can process bulk image orders with an expert retouching team. The problem can be solved by discussing with the company and researching about the company. Customers should take a look at their price range before placing an order.

Many photo editing services also take on bulk orders, knowing they lack the workforce and skills to meet the quality standards and deadlines. As a result, they will provide low-quality images and deliver images in huge delays.

Reliability and Security

A reliable image editing service would be one whose output quality is consistent with the advertised pictures on their website and other media platforms. The price should also be value-oriented – giving more to the customers for what they are paying.

These qualities of a company can label them as capable and trustworthy. In contrast, some companies advertise copying images from others on their advertising media, making them appear perfect. But, in truth, they have stolen these images from other retouching services when their pictures would be poorly edited in reality.

As for trust, it is not acceptable that the retouching company breaches the privacy of the client's images and starts to use them without their consent. This can be taken further by editing photos in ways the customers did not ask to edit and use them for their purposes.




Quality Image Output Customer Review and Rating
Bulk Processing at Affordable Price Research and Discuss
Reliability and Security Values Clients' Image Security
Effective Communication Available Communication Ways
Easy Order Process Simple and User Friendly Portal

Security of images means preventing unauthorized access, use, and modification of the customer's product images. For example, a photo editing service provider cannot use a client's visions for other purposes without permission.

For example, a portfolio page on a website shows many pictures that have been retouched for various clients. The company is displaying the images only after receiving permission from the clients. Customers should work with a company that values clients' image security.

The editing industry is highly competitive, and many want to take unfair advantage by exploiting customers. As a result, many image editing services are infamous for bad image quality at high prices, missed deadlines, clunky user interfaces, false promises, and huge orders without adequate human resources.

To make wise and budget-friendly decisions and not falling into the trap of falsely-represented editing companies, you need to be aware of the mentioned gap in the industry. Try to consider that the company provides high-quality images at affordable prices, has a good reputation, and offers image security and flexible communication to solve every query until your order is completed.

Zakir Hossain Photo
Written by

Zakir Hossain

Being an entrepreneur, I follow a busy schedule daily. While I am not working, I travel, read, and eat pizzas.